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- Institute of Physics
- Chair of Nuclear Physics
Chair of Nuclear Physics
In 1942, RA NAS Academician A. I. Alikhanyan founded the Chair of Nuclear Physics at YSU, which contributed to the development of the branch of nuclear physics in Armenia and the training of sought-after professionals. Popular physicists A. B. Migdal, L.D. Landau, I. Ya. Pomeranchuk, P. L. Kapitsan, and L. A. Artsimovich also played a major role in this endeavor.
Since 2013, the head of the Chair has been Ph.D., Professor Anahit Balabekyan.
The teaching staff of the department has been carrying out scientific and educational activities, while the professors of the chair are involved in international and local research programs, present reports at prestigious conferences, and are authors of many scientific articles, which are also published in high-ranking international journals.
The department implements the "Physics of Nuclear Reactors" Undergraduate and the "Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy" Master's educational programs.
The main directions of scientific research carried out at the chair are:
• physics of nuclear reactors and atomic energy,
• accelerator physics and technology,
• high energy physics,
• nuclear and particle physics,
• obtaining medical isotopes,
• applied nuclear physics.
Continuous work is being done by the Chair in the direction of improving courses and curricula and introducing new teaching methods.
The Chair of Nuclear Physics cooperates with various scientific research centers of Armenia (Nuclear and Radiation Safety Scientific and Technical Center, National Scientific Laboratory named after A. I. Alikhanyan, "KENDL" Synchrotron Research Institute, Armenian Nuclear Power Plant), where the students of the chair undergo their internship and are hired.
Collaborations have also been established with many foreign scientific centers:
• Joint Institute of Nuclear Research (JINR, Russia),
• German Accelerator Center (DESY, Germany),
• European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN, Switzerland),
• Jefferson Laboratory (CEBAF - JLAB, USA),
• Paul Scherer Institute (PSI, Switzerland),
• Institute of Physics, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil,
• STAR-NET Nuclear Physics Training Network, Austria.
Head of the chair, associate professor
Senior laboratory assistant
Senior laboratory assistant
Lecturer on an hourly basis
Lecturer on an hourly basis
Lecturer on an hourly basis
Lecturer on an hourly basis
Lecturer on an hourly basis